Saturday, February 11, 2006


Hello fellow monsters!

I have a few sugguestions so please comments or I will hit u all more often.

1) I tot of changing the name of our company...Monsters Inc or monsters association is too common. So do you all like the name, Monsters Flavoured or Monsters Flavour (These 2 hv diff meaning, pls check

2) I tot of giving each of us a position in the Monsters company.
eg. Cai cai the president (muahaha), grassy the event organiser, aunty the telephone operator, ht the entertainer...oops.. hehe.

[EDIT] Sugguestions by grassy
secretary = sacked-a-tary
event organizer = even ox-a-nicer
motivator = motion- activator
telephone operator - telephone old per rator

I think change to telephone old per rater... lolz. More suggestions!

Like it or hate it pls comments. THANKSSS!!


GrasSy said...

hate it...
dun wan u to be president
u be motivator still ok

ht be the

oh yea.. im bad

Kristin said...

hahahahaha...u so bad...*bish* i motivator den u de-motivator. lol

ting said...

i don wan entertainer.... balgh...

miss RED..

pls pin the buttons or watever onto the pencil case n take a pic.. hehe... then post on blog lez... heee... so cute... anyhw anyhw de bday p...